Bacteria with “force sensors”

If connective tissue fibres are under tension, bacteria do not bind to them so well. However, if the fibres are severed and slackened by a cut, the bacterial adhesion molecules recognise this and attach themselves, which enables them to cause infections. December 2010

Nanocouriers transport molecular cargo

A train-like system that transports molecular cargo between specific pick-up and delivery zones on a chip has been created by Swiss scientists. The technology could lead to nanoscale assembly lines, or improved self-healing materials, they claim. Developing systems that use nanomotors to move molecular cargos around inside nanoscale devices has become popular recently. As unlike random diffusion, cargo can be moved against a concentration gradient and in contrast to microfluidic devices, an external electrical supply or pump isn’t needed for the transportation. external pageOctober 2010

Bacteria with “force sensors”

Enlarged view: Bacteria with force sensors
Bacteria with force sensors

If connective tissue fibres are under tension, bacteria do not bind to them so well. However, if the fibres are severed and slackened by a cut, the bacterial adhesion molecules recognise this and attach themselves, which enables them to cause infections.

Articel on ETH Life


Close ties with Boston

Enlarged view: Close ties with Boston
Close ties with Boston

Last Friday ETH-Zurich President Ralph Eichler travelled to Boston. After a visit to Harvard Medical School, the opening of a new ETH-Zurich alumni chapter and the tenth anniversary of swissnex Boston was also on the agenda.

Articel on ETH Life

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